Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
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 Dark Moon Rules

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Ai Shirimoto
Ai Shirimoto

Posts : 266
Join date : 2009-07-22
Age : 29
Location : In Happy land with Happy people and were all happy as happy can be......HAPPY!! O_e

Dark Moon Rules Empty
PostSubject: Dark Moon Rules   Dark Moon Rules I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2009 2:54 am

Welcome To Dark Moon RPG I am the Admin/Creator of this site Ai Chi. With every site comes a set of rules and I am expecting you all to fallow them.

1. Respect everyone!!!! This includes mods and admins. Just cuz they have Ultamate power dosent mean they can be disrespectful!

2. This is a Random RPG you cannot say that our RPing is suckish if you have a comment Please PM me about ways I can make it better. All we want her is for out users to have a good RPing experiance.

3. Since this is a Multi-Anime RP site you must know that if you Are from one Anime you can't post in the other anime's category (EX: A Mew Mew cannnot post in the Shinobi world and vice versa) the only accception is the SOS Brigade they can post in all topics if you have a question about that PM me and I shall explain. One other exception is the Ai Chi (Head Admin) and Haruhi Suzumiya (Admin) due to approving purposes.


5. Keep the Chatbox at PG-15 please.

6. You may only have one account. No secret accounts. Unless you PM me about wanting to have 2 accounts than I may or may not approve.

7. NO MANHO-ING!! this goes for girls too! No being a syber Whore!! I want everyone to know that if you are dating someone your Dating THEM ONLY! I don't care if your whoreing around on other sites but i don't want all that "you were cheating on me?!" drama. and if i find out you will get punished. o.o

8. If I make you a C-box mod that dose not give you the permission to kick people you don't like. you may only kick people of there being offensive, rude, and some other 3rd thing in the catagory.

Now enjoy your Time on DMR :3
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