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 The Lost Werewolf

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2 posters

Posts : 28
Join date : 2009-07-25
Age : 29
Location : in the forest

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PostSubject: The Lost Werewolf   The Lost Werewolf I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 4:54 pm

Name: Werewolf

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 123 lbs

Blood Type: A

Werewolf wears a bright light blue/dark purple dress and a small blue head band in her hair. She also has wolf like ears and a tail. Werewolf wears a small light purple band on her tail. The band helps protect her from danger by shedding a blinding light from within.

Werewolf also has several small scratches on her face due to several fights within her pack (will explain in bio). Over time the scratches healed but the scars were deep. there is a single very long scratch on her back from the fight.

Personality: Werewolf can be kind and helpful at times but can get ticked off VERY easily. people around her best be ready for what is to come if she is ticked off. When she is ticked off there's no telling what she'll do. most of the time she'll try to pick a fight and other times she'll try to ignore the person.

Weapon: A sword named Ayame

Strengths: talking with wolves, gnawing small things to pieces, agility, swimming.

Weaknesses: anger, fighting, sadness, love

Likes: Bacon, wolves, weapons, trees, family

Dislikes: getting angry,

Rank: Kiri Shinobi

History: At the age of only 4 months Werewolf started growing wolf like ears and a tail. At her parents disbelief they abandoned her in the middle of the nearby forest. A pack of wolves were hiding in the bushes watching. A few minutes after her parents abandoned her the wolves came out of hiding. There were several different colored wolves. A white one, a brown one, a gray one and a black one. The white wolf was as white as snow itself. The brown one wasn't really brown, but more of a dark tan. The Gray wolf was mostly gray but also had white streaks in it's fur. The black wolf was as black as the night sky, A little darker actually.

The white wolf came up to Werewolf and greeted her. It lay down next to her and picked her up with it's tail. Werewolf, being curious and all, climbed up onto the wolf's back and started gently petting it while holding onto it's fur. The wolf, now surrounded by the other wolves, walked deeper into the forest and stopped in the center of a clearing. To one side there was a large waterfall. To the other side there was a lake. In front of us was a large cliff. This was her new home and family. Over the years she had lived here she couldn't help but think of her real family and the other figure she saw in the house at the time her parents abandoned her.

Over time Werewolf grew used to living with the wolves and lived peacefully among them. 4 years after she was abandoned a large group of foxes came to the wolves territory. The wolves that picked her up years ago stood up to the foxes. the foxes were ready. The foxes and wolves fought. one of the foxes somehow sneaked behind the wolves and stalked toward her. One of the wolves saw and quickly ran toward the fox and pounced on it and killed it on the spot right in front of her. Werewolf was faced with the burden of watching and that small moment plays again and again in her mind and she can't do anything to stop it but become angry.
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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

Posts : 118
Join date : 2009-07-27
Age : 27
Location : Exploring the World!

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PostSubject: Re: The Lost Werewolf   The Lost Werewolf I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 11:01 pm

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