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Kyon............. Empty
PostSubject: Kyon.............   Kyon............. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 6:09 pm

(sorry, Wiki isn't that good on Kyon, so I have to piece together a lot of the info....)

Name: ???
nickname: Kyon
Aliases: John Smith (self made)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 143

Blood Type: B

Appearance: Kyon............. Kyon-cover

Personality: Sarcastic thinking, but will never say it out load. Cynical and level headed, and often the solo voice of reason in the SOS Brigade. I often intervene when Haruhi behaves too erratically and sometimes without the aid of any of the other brigade members. Much to me irritation, this responsibility is mine alone, since the other members passively follow Haruhi's schemes. I'm also usually the one who pays for meals during brigade outings and is saddled with the brigade's "grunt work". I can be very observant and quite intelligent, despite me average grades.
Yuki was the first to tell Kyon her true identity, and thereafter Kyon views her as the most reliable member in their brigade.
Ever since Kyon interacted with Haruhi when nobody in her class would, Kyon becomes Haruhi's main partner for discussion and advice.
With Mikuru, a bit of flirtation between the two occur; once, he secretly saves Mikuru's maid pictures, while making Haruhi believe he deleted them.
Itsuki has been Kyon's other major source of information, aside from Yuki. Along with his esper powers, he gained certain knowledge regarding Haruhi and various phenomena in relation to her.

Weapon: the power to clam Haruhi down

Often being the voice of reason to Haruchi's actions.
Quite Intelligent
Is the only person who can actively dissuade or even stop Haruhi from acting out her plans or ideas
(sorry, can only think of those three)

often has intervene when Haruhi behaves too erratically and without the aid of any of the other brigade members
is somehow always the last one to show up
getting cought up, somehow, in Haruchi's schemes
having to pay the bills of the SOS Brigade's outings

Likes: being in the SOS Brigade, and Mikuru's maid outfit

I have to intervene when Haruhi behaves too erratically and sometimes without the aid of any of the other brigade members. Much to my irritation, this responsibility is mine alone,
Having to pay for all of the outings, and being the 'pack mule' of the club.

Rank: SOS Brigade

History: Ever since Kyon interacted with Haruhi when nobody in her class would, Kyon becomes Haruhi's main partner for discussion and advice. This includes discussion on the creation of the SOS Brigade to revealing personal thoughts and asking for advice on how to run the brigade. According to Itsuki Koizumi, Haruhi "chose" Kyon, though the meaning of this has not been clarified to the reader, but the general idea is that Kyon is the only one that Haruhi would want to have with her if a new dimension was made. During SOS Brigade meetings, he feels certain that Haruhi should learn that not everything can go her way. With that skepticism, Kyon develops a bond of trust with Haruhi, evidently noted by Itsuki. When thinking of what Haruhi meant to him in comparison to the other three members of the SOS Brigade, Kyon described her as being "more than just a classmate". Throughout the series he develops a sort of love/hate relationship with Haruhi wherein he cannot stand the things she does, but will remain by her side, even though he really does not want to. This is also evident whenever Mikuru is just merely physically close to Kyon, prompting generally violent reactions (one of which was the aforementioned new dimension). When Kyon was placed in a coma for three days, during which the events of The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya takes place, despite the supernatural Brigade members each taking turns looking after him, it was Haruhi who remained with him in all those three days. A few students have even assumed that Kyon and Haruhi are boyfriend and girlfriend though Kyon has denied this.

The three Brigade members of "supernatural" origin all revealed their secrets to Kyon. Reasons for revealing to only Kyon in particular are unknown. All three happen to rely on Kyon for interaction with Haruhi, in a matter such that her boredom would not risk the universe. They also seem to rely on him as a sounding board for their ongoing missions to monitor Haruhi.

Yuki was the first to tell Kyon her true identity, and thereafter Kyon views her as the most reliable member in their brigade. Yuki tends to readily accept commands from Kyon instead of Haruhi, and seems to look to him for his approval when confronted with decisions she must make. Several times, she has saved him from impending death; something that Kyon feels a responsibility to pay her back for. While the other Brigade members ignore Yuki or take her for granted, Kyon becomes invested in Yuki's well-being, taking out a library card for her and wondering if she ever gets lonely. Though Yuki is almost completely expressionless, Kyon eventually learns to sense changes in her moods, such as when he realized she was having fun when they were playing "The Day of Sagittarius III" against the Computer Club.

With Mikuru, a bit of flirtation between the two occur; once, he secretly saves Mikuru's maid pictures, while making Haruhi believe he deleted them. Some sentiment on Mikuru's part can be observed from her future self visiting Kyon; the first time her future self meets him, she tries to offer proof of her identity by showing him the star-shaped mole on her breast, even urging him to touch it to make sure it's not fake. In fact, future Mikuru informs Kyon that he is the one who told Mikuru about the mole when she had no idea herself, though this creates a minor temporal paradox when Kyon tells the present Mikuru about the mole; later, before she returns to her real time, in the anime she embraces him, while in the light novel he tries to kiss her but she stops him. Mikuru's action in the light novel could be due to the dangers of time travelers having relationships with members of the past, or more likely because of the dangerous effect she believes a relationship with Kyon would have on Haruhi. Kyon also stands as the one obstacle preventing Haruhi from the further harassment of Mikuru, and in turn Mikuru looks to Kyon as a sort of protector, becoming overjoyed when he pledges to guard her from Haruhi and grabbing onto his arm on reflex when she is frightened.

Itsuki has been Kyon's other major source of information, aside from Yuki. Along with his esper powers, he gained certain knowledge regarding Haruhi and various phenomena in relation to her. He reveals some of this information to Kyon; and he even showed him the activities of the Organization fighting large energy monsters within closed space. As the only two male members of the SOS Brigade, they tend to converse among themselves, usually about Haruhi and her inclinations, while the three girls are occupied with different things. Despite this, of the three Brigade members, it is Itsuki who annoys Kyon the most, partly because of his relentlessly cheerful personality (which Kyon considers a facade) and wordy lecturing, and partly because of Itsuki's tendency to violate Kyon's personal space by putting his face way too close and paying him borderline-outrageous comments. In addition, of all the Brigade members, Itsuki is most likely to agree with whatever idea Haruhi's warped mind thinks up.
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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

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Age : 27
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Kyon............. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyon.............   Kyon............. I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 10:33 pm

AC-CEP-TED! Very Happy
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