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 Miyu ~vampire~

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-08-15
Age : 38
Location : Being near Larva

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PostSubject: Miyu ~vampire~   Miyu ~vampire~ I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 7:15 pm

Name: Miyu

Age: 15

Gender: female

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 130 lbs

Blood Type: A

that's when she alone with Larva in their house otherwise she wears tennis shoes, and regular shoes.

Personality: Miyu is childlike, playful, and manipulative, and very flamboyant in talking. She very much likes the opposite sex, and she wants them to be happy even if she tries to do something more than she usually does. She is also reserved, straightforward, and composed as well. She is really kind to her friends because they were the ones that gotten to know her. She is also friendly to ones who doesn't deserved it. She just wanted to do make sure that nothing will go wrong, and she is kind to Larva as well. She even kind to some Shinma as well she looked at them, and tries to make sure that she protects the people that she likes. She only fights Shinma at the last chance, and she regrets over it as well she only lets Larva fights them, and she picks the lovely ones to drink from them.

Weapon: rod

Strengths: not harm by crucifixes, holy water, and sunlight

Weaknesses: being able to feel her human emotions being paralyzed by them, and have the person that she considers to be lovely taken away from her, and nightmares

Likes: the opposite sex, being around kind people. being around friends, and her protector Larva

Dislikes: Shinma, and being able to not to save herself from her human emotions.

Rank: Vampire

History: Miyu is the child of a human father and a vampire mother in post-World War II Japan. Miyu becomes the Guardian (also referred to as the "Watcher") after losing her parents. Miyu is depicted as childlike, manipulative and playful, and very
amboyant in talking, especially when having a conversation with Himiko, Miyu is more reserved, straightforward and composed. Even though she is a vampire, Miyu is not harmed by sunlight, holy water or crucifixes, and her reflection can be seen. Although she needs to drink blood to survive, she chooses her 'victims' carefully, since she apparently
cannot take blood from others unless they actually give it to her willingly. So, Miyu picks people whom she believes to be "lovely" (either in looks or personality) who have usually suffered a tragic loss, and offers them their greatest wish – to be with their lost loved ones, at least in their dreams – in exchange for their blood. These people live an endless dream state, which she calls "being in happiness". When posing as a human, she goes by the name Miyu Yamano she is seen to wear different clothes from time to time she wears her typical short kimono as well. She wears a uniform during her stay at school, and wears a bright red yukata when speaking to Himiko and confronting Ranka. She wears a winter kimono, which seems to cover her body more than the other two garments. She only wears two types of clothing, the typical uniform and the kimono when she was about ten years old she made Larva drink her blood to tie him to her she kept meeting him when she was nine she talked to him once when the bird died. Larva was trying to kill her, but he awoken her, and she tied him to her by making him drinking her blood. She gets anemiac on the hot days. Larva became Miyu's servant when he awoken her by accident. Miyu's mother didn't want her awoken, but she was a bit too late Miyu did woken, and became the Watcher.
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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Miyu ~vampire~   Miyu ~vampire~ I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 10:59 pm

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