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 Rono Yatsuma

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Join date : 2009-08-15

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PostSubject: Rono Yatsuma   Rono Yatsuma I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 11:03 pm

Name:Rono Yastuma

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 165 lb.

Blood Type: O positive.

Appearance: He has a caramel skin tone and his eyes a pure black while not using his ability. He has black pearl ear rings in each ear and his hair is cut low and he also has cold black hair. He also has a loose black collar around his neck all the time which he never removes it has a plate on the Japanese symbol o it for "wind." He never buttons up his school uniform and lets his white shirt just dangle out of his pants. He also has a wristband on his right wrist when he opens his mouth always fangs are shown even without trying. He often scares people off because of it. When using his ability his eyes change silver when in moon light they would seem like they glowed.

Personality: He's somewhat cold heated at times but that's because people treat him that way because of his appearance. He often fighting and has a short temper. He is funny at times when he wants to be well at least what he thinks is funny.( Which is terrorizing other people for no reason.) When in his serious mood he seems a bit emo but that's just the way he is. He is also very interested in girls....so I guess you can say pervy at some points but he can restrict it sometimes. He has a vast verity of personality but the main sticks to his very talkative and protecting towards anyone in a situation which he thinks they can't handle.He sometimes gets carried away while other people are in trouble and he steps in to help. Even if it's to a higher up

Wolf Form: Rono Yatsuma White_Wolf21

Weapon: Katana

Strengths: Mental stability,physically inclined ,and eats a lot.

Weaknesses: Holding back, anger,and Managing his wolf form.

Likes: Music,writing music,playing his guitar,eating,and sleeping.

Dislikes: Bullies,idiots,and jackasses.

Rank: Wold Demon.

History: Rono was walking home from school one day at night after he was working on a school project with his friends. It began to rain while he was walking and he wanted to get home quickly so he walked through the park which was a little shorter route to his home. While walking through the park a couple of thugs were walking by and they were drunk from the many beer in which they had just robbed from a liquor store. They walked up towards Rono and one of them bumped into him and Rono continued to walk without saying anything. The punk turned around and shouted towards Rono "hey you little ass you bumped into me and your not gonna apologize!" At that point the whole crew stopped and looked back at the man shouting. Rono continued to walk saying nothing. The man snared and tightened his grip on a bottle he had in his hands and then drew back and threw it directly towards Rono's head. Rono sensed the bottle coming towards him and simply stepped to the side and the bottle shattered on the ground. Rono then stopped and then sighed slightly as he took off his bag and sat it on the ground softly and turned and looked towards the man with his cold black eyes as the lightning stuck as if for dramatic affect.

He stared at the man that threw the bottle then looked at the shattered glass on the ground. He said to the man in a calm and slightly deep voice "hey pick this up....if one of the little kids so happened to stumble upon this they might get hurt." He man looked at him with widened eyes then began to laugh hard and the crew laughed along with him. Rono began to walk towards them slowly and then reached hm. The man said "loo-" before he could finish Rono punched his face and when he fell back he grabbed his neck then began to drag him where the bottle glass was shattered. He threw the man down to his knees and said in a serious voice. "Pick it up....now." He looked at the man with his cold eyes. "The man began to pick up the pieces of the bottle and the crew that he had dragged the man from rushed over towards Rono and threw a couple of punches that caught him a few times then he swung his arm towards them and a large power swipe burst outwards towards all of them throwing them back. They all landed a great deal away and looked at Rono like he was crazy and then started to back away slowly and ran away. Rono looked at his hands with his eyes widened and claws were seen shot from the ends of his fingers. it was then when Rono knew what he was. He just continues to hide his true being from the world and simply live.

Last edited by Rono on Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Aika Sato
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Aika Sato

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PostSubject: Re: Rono Yatsuma   Rono Yatsuma I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 11:07 pm

u need a last name. u cant just forget it XD I''l approve after u have a last name
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PostSubject: Re: Rono Yatsuma   Rono Yatsuma I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 11:36 pm

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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

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Age : 27
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PostSubject: Re: Rono Yatsuma   Rono Yatsuma I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 16, 2009 12:12 am

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PostSubject: Re: Rono Yatsuma   Rono Yatsuma I_icon_minitime

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