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Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
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 Luna Kisami

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Join date : 2009-10-08
Age : 27
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PostSubject: Luna Kisami   Luna Kisami I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 12:11 am

Name: Luna Kisami

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: To my ears = 4' 3" Standing on my Back Paws = 6' 7"

Blood Type: B

Appearance: Luna Kisami Protec10

Personality: EXTREMELY goal-oriented, does well with others that coaperate, easlier angered, very protective/territorial, speaks my mind, not afraid of much, loyal, perfectionist, OCD, determind.

Weapon: Teeth, Claws, and a Bow and Arrow {dark blue} (wood worked by the Cheni wolf pack in the mountains)

Strengths: Fire, running, fighting, mind games.

Weaknesses: Water, confusion, Idiotic people, no one to love.

Likes: Shiny things, My boyfriend (if i get 1), fighting, howling, food, and breathing.

Dislikes: People who try/hurt anyone around me, people pissing me off, flat land.

Rank: Wolf Demon

History: Luna was found half way in a creek with blood all over her fur and soping wet. One of her wings was broken and she got help from another wolf demon named Gahin. He was a kind boy who helped Luna recover her wing and she accompaned him to the woods when Gahin went fourging for food. Gahin went out one day when Luna was hunting becuase he felt a surge of energy when he heared her howl. The blood of the stag Luna had taken down covered her teeth and mouth, making Gahin have the lust for blood, Gahin looked at Luna and knew to not run or scream, but he was still scared.(Gahin didnt know what the feeling was, but he soon foun out he was a wolf demon.) He moved forward then he pet Luna in between her ears. She, amazingly, just went back to eating and let Gahin pet her. The bond was strong. Luna has yet to find Gahin on her many journeys back to the woods and even into the city. She wishes to one day find him, and thank him for the kindness he has brought her and to have him join her pack as the alpha male.

Last edited by Luna_the_Assassin on Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Image didnt work right)
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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

Posts : 118
Join date : 2009-07-27
Age : 27
Location : Exploring the World!

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PostSubject: Re: Luna Kisami   Luna Kisami I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 09, 2009 7:58 pm

Approved. Welcome to the site Luna~
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