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Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
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 Ai Chi's Scythe

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Ai Shirimoto
Ai Shirimoto

Posts : 266
Join date : 2009-07-22
Age : 29
Location : In Happy land with Happy people and were all happy as happy can be......HAPPY!! O_e

Ai Chi's Scythe Empty
PostSubject: Ai Chi's Scythe   Ai Chi's Scythe I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 10:59 pm

Weapon Name: yami no scythe

Type of weapon: Scythe

Weapon appearance: The Scythe Handle is black and goes to her chin the blade is very sharp and silver with emralds on it. there is a red cloth tied around the end of the scythe

Weapon use: The yami no scythe can cut a person very deep and it is a very acurate hit. if the blade enters ones body and stays in the body for longer than a minute darkness will consume there soul and tourture them into death. it can also send a kind of dark rope like thng through the air that will suddenly tie a person up. those are useless agensed light.
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