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 Satoshi Uchiha

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Satoshi Uchiha

Satoshi Uchiha

Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-12-01

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PostSubject: Satoshi Uchiha   Satoshi Uchiha I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 7:59 am

Character Name: Satoshi Uchiha

Desired Bloodline: Kinda Obvious...

Desired Starting Element: Fire and Water

Desired Village: Konoha

Age: 20

Desired Rank: Jounin/Kage

Appearance: Avi...

Character Personality: He's quite arrogant when he speaks. it all comes from the slight insecurities he has burried deep inside from harassment from his father. To cope with his parent's harrassment, he became slightly barricaded from others. His personality is confident, even when he isn't sure of the outcome.

Satoshi at this time is only 20. He is a strong ninja and leader of Takigakure. He's moderately happy, having some friends and lives alone. But this is far ahead...all the way up to Current Days...Though he has only lived for 20 years, he has suffered from a brutal past that he tries to supress on a daily basis..

Thirteen years ago....Satoshi lived with his parents, Maiko and Kizuki. They all appeared to be a happy family, though they struggled every day just to maintain there own lives. Maiko was a stay at home mother, watching Satoshi when he came back from school in the early afternoons and his younger brother, Roku, who was only two years old at the time. His father, Kizuki was a coal mine worker, struggling through the days of hard work only to receive a low wage almost incapable of supporting a family with. His job was rough, harsh, and dangerous. Through his days of work, he had lost two of his fingers in an accident and the thick smoke created by the dirt and coal had damaged his lungs, giving him bronchitis after the years of buildup in his lungs. Both children were perfectly healthy, just like their mother Maiko...at times.

Maiko had it rough. She would stay at home watching the children all day and cleaning the house. Dinner was expected to be ready to eat at the moment his Father walked in the door from his grueling job. Only few times were there when dinner was imcomplete and/or not made at all. Maiko suffered for it greatly. Kizuki would beat her with his bare fists, giving her bruises and sometimes broken bones. The reason no one had ever found out about this bad relationship is because the children were scared, too young to comprehend what was happening.

The years went on and on and Satoshi was finally a jounin at only fourteen years of age. He was a somewhat depressed young man. His brother was just becoming an actual chuunin this year and their mother still staying at home. Kizuki still worked at the factory, working in a somewhat higher position. It just so happened that this day, Kizuki came home late. It seemed that he had been to a party after work and came in the house at midnight. Maiko was furious. She loved Kizuki dearly even though she didn't receive the correct treatment. She yelled at him about how worried she had been and how her kids needed a father to be there for them. Kizuki's response is probably obvious.

Kizuki took great offense to her words and the alcohol didn't make it any better. He gripped her by the neck, holding on as tight as he could. Satoshi and his brother were upstairs in bed, sleeping until the fight first began. They heard their mother's rage, something they never heard from her before. Then they hears her scream and glass breaking downstairs. Both children hopped to their feet with a speed and determination like none other. They creeped down the stairway, and the youngest brother tripped over the last. Kizuki was so intoxicated, he hadn't even realized his own actions. He quickly pulled out a kunai, hidden in his jacket pocket and aimed it towards the younger boy. The mother screamed in fear and through a Motherly instinct, grabbed a knife off of the counter. She stabbed the father in his stomach. He began to cough up blood, but as the mother ran to her children, he stabbed her in the back three times. He chuckled through his pain as she screamed her last words out. "Run, my babies!!! Run!!!". Satoshi helped up his brother and his father performed a set of hand signs at an incredibly fast rate and was pointed in their direction. Kizki redid the had signs and blew again...and again, hitting Satoshi once in the right arm andin the stomach with fire balls as he reached for his younger brother. He fell to the ground in pain and his body started to get colder. He could feel himself slipping into a state of sleep as he heard four more roaring fireballs."Saaaaaatooooshhiiiii-" The scream was cut short as the last four balls hit the brother twice in the chest, once in the neck and the last hitting his stomach, putting him to the ground as the father pulled out the knife in his stomach. He struggled to the front door, collapsing before he could finally open it. Ninja could be heard circling the house and finally breaking through the windows. The police and ambulance were too late. Kizuki died from too many burns. Maiko was also dead, taking the three stabs in the back. She choked on her own blood as it filled her lungs. The only two still left alive were Satoshi and his younger brother,Roku. Satoshi still had a pretty strong heartbeat while his brother's was fainter. The medic ninja rushed into the house after the police inspected the situation. They diagnosed the mother and father as deceased and rushed the two brothers to the hospital, where he dreamed for a while.

Satoshi awoke to a world of white, where nothing existed, yet everything was there. He couldn't fully comprehend it, nor did he try to. He slowly stood to his feet, observing the white world. Satoshi frowned. "Where....is everything?". Just as soon as he said those words, he seemed to be sliding through the dimension, rippling in time. The world around him began to swirl in colors as he was now back in his home. He was sitting on his bed, wide awake. He then remembered what had just happened and rushed downstairs. He saw his father standing there, laughing maniacally. There was more than one of him, one with a kunai pointed to his mother, and one with a kunai pointed to his brother. "Come on Satoshi! Stop us!!", both Kizuki's spoke in unison. Satoshi screamed out and ran to them, but was too late. Each Kizuki stabbed their tagets directly in the head in the temples, killing them basically instantaneously. All Satoshi could do was scream. But something happened, something soothing. His mother and Brother's spirits rose from the dead bodies and the Kizuki's both seemes to disentigrate in thin air from the bright white light that surrounded the spirits. The spirits hovered around Satoshi and spiraled around him towards the sky. As they rose, so did the worls. It became white again and he was just standing there.......reaching to the sky and tears rolling down his face."Mother....Brother...."

Satoshi's eyes slipped open and the world became known to his body once more. He lifted his head and a nurse had been standing to the side of his bed checking some bloodwork. "Oh...my....god. You're awake?! I'm so glad,,,you finally woke up after a year of being in a coma". Satoshi didn't understand. He had been asleep for a WHOLE year?! He looked around and tried to stand to his feet. He wanted to know....where is my family. He looked around and as he stood to his feet, he wobbled. The nurse caught him, noticing he was searching for something. It was quite obvious, if his memory was in tact. "Your family.....you want to see them...I'm sorry Satoshi..I'm so sorry.". It was obvious to Satoshi that the news wasn't good. His mother, father,......and even brother had passed from this world. He was alone..Once he found this out, he bust out in tears, and the nurse hugged him for comfort as a few tears slipped down her own face. She knew all about his family's situation, like most of the city. The news had shown the tradgedy for days all around the country.

Years later, Satoshi continued to work hard, regaining his leg and arm strngth and multiplying it. He was a star among the ninja in his village. It was odd because he wasn't very talkative or out there, but people seemed to just cling to him. He was leader through many missions. Satoshi was THE person that everyone wanted to be, but couldn't. He was even nicknamed by the a few friends as "Mr. Renaissance"(spelling?). He was good at everything he did, though the tragedy caused him to become a little more closed in. Satoshi loved being in missions though...just to be in the presence of some people because shen Satoshi went home, there was no one there for him. Though he was alone, it was exactly what he needed because after a couple more years, it would be his years of solitude and traning that got him suggested for the position as Village Leader when the last one died untimely.

RP Sample
It was a late summer evening in the Hidden Village of the Leaf. The sun was setting on the horizon and the sky was a mellow orange and the clouds remained a light lavender as the sun shone over them. The day was peaceful, like all others in this prosperous home of the great Uchiha clan. It just so happened that Satoshi was sitting in the tallest tree located on the outskirts of the village. What exactly it was that he wore, couldn't really be seen from this point of view since he was basically fully covered by this mysterious black cloak. His hair was combed nicely and his eyes their normal dark color. Critters scattered, birds flew and all in all nature was exactly as it should be, reassuring the young Uchiha that no trouble was near or impending. He lightly yawned from his seat on top of the thickest branch in the tree, with the smell of fresh maple sap hovering about in the air around. It was probably why so many birds had been attracted to this tree....that and the fact that the high and thick branched allowed for a great nesting place that wouldn't be intruded by enemies and other types of troubles.

"Hmmm, damn is there anything to do in this damn Village? Its so fricking boring here.

Satoshi slowly stood to his feet, looking down at them, past them all the way to the ground, which seemed so far away from him at the time. Even now, he made sure his feet remain planted tightly on the branch with a little chakra enforced into them. But suddenly, he leaned forward, allowing his body to freely fall, but since he was attached with chakra, he only slid so that he was now standing upside down on the same branch. It was obvious that he was bored because he stayed in this position for a few minutes while he decided where it was that he should go. While doing this, he gazed eerily through the forest, as if he could actually see a certain thing from this position....Maybe it was just my imagination? Suddenly, his eyes shifted down to the sunsetting sky and he just released the chakra holding him in place, letting himself freefall. While he fell, he manuevered himself around the branches as to not crash into one of them. As he fell, memories of his family flashed through the confines of his mind, unlocking and reaching into the deepest dark recesses of his young mind. He had suddenly thought of his sensei...because this man was more of a father than his had ever been. He continued to fall, but much faster than his fall were his thoughts running through his brain.

Sensei! Hey, can we train today? You promised me yesterday after I got back from the mission." A ten year old Satoshi stood in front of his sensei's house doorway, sneakily peering in to the darkened house. His Sensei had just walked into this room to retrieve a couple of things in preparation for Satoshi's intense, pending training session. "Of course Satoshi. If I make a promise, you can be sure that I will do the best I can to keep it! Now hold on a second and after I...." The older man was rummaging through boxes and placing things onto the porch outside. "...finish....THIS!" Satoshi's sensei pulled out a large orb-like object, something Satoshi was clueless of. He then sat the object under the bed and walked to his son. He had a light smile on his face as well as sweat dripping from his brow. He chuckled at the determination his son's eyes held. "Well then, why don't we go get a move-on." With those words being spoken, they both left the house and continued to Satoshi's favorite training area...

By now, Satoshi was close to hitting the ground. He flipped forwards a couple of time to regain his complete focus, landing softly onto the ground with his knees bent. Using his slightly bent legs as a spring and chakra quickly buiding in and around his slightly muscular legs, he released the built up energy in a burst as his hands had just completed two basic had signs known as the Shunshin No Jutsu, or Body Flicker Technique, disappearing from the area in a burst of speed unlike most ninja. A resounding gust of wind carried leaves and dust through the Forest as Satoshi had disappeared without the slightest hint or trace
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Ai Shirimoto
Ai Shirimoto

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Join date : 2009-07-22
Age : 29
Location : In Happy land with Happy people and were all happy as happy can be......HAPPY!! O_e

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PostSubject: Re: Satoshi Uchiha   Satoshi Uchiha I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2009 8:49 pm

very good but fallow the template please ^^
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Satoshi Uchiha

Satoshi Uchiha

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Join date : 2009-12-01

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PostSubject: Re: Satoshi Uchiha   Satoshi Uchiha I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2009 8:30 am

Oh ok.. Very Happy
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