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 Stitches- Chapter 1

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Aika Sato
SOS Brigade
Aika Sato

Posts : 118
Join date : 2009-07-27
Age : 27
Location : Exploring the World!

Stitches- Chapter 1 Empty
PostSubject: Stitches- Chapter 1   Stitches- Chapter 1 I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 15, 2009 1:16 pm

Chapter 1

Eve opened her eyes slowly, the world coming back into focus. She looked around. She was in her room, where she should be. Eve looked at her ceiling exasperatedly and gave an exhausted sigh. Another nightmare. She had been having these horrific nightmares for the past week, and they've begun to get creepier and creepier. They had started out as only a girl sitting in a windowsill, sadness and longing looming in her big blue eyes, but now they were getting unnerving. The eerie doll had now become a part of the nightmares, which sent shivers down Eve's spine. The more she thought about these dreams the more uncomfortable she felt, so she decided to put them out of her mind and get up, despite the fact she was incredibly tired.

Still dazed, she managed to push herself out of bed and trudge down the stairs. She enetered the kitchen sleepily to find her step-sister, Kayla, and her stepmom, Kristen, sitting at the table. "Good Morning, Eve." Kristen said, not even looking up from her newspaper. Eve gave a short grunt in reply. Her father had remarried to Kristen six months ago and Eve still didn't like her. She resented Kayla even more, because she had to leave her own sister, Caroline, to come live with her father. Caroline and Kayla were both the same age, and it sickened Eve how her father acted as if it didn't matter Caroline had been "replaced" with Kayla in their household.

Eve took a seat across from Kayla and tiredly reached for a piece of toast. "Oh, Eve, I need you to pick Kayla up form Isabelle's house on your way home from school. I can drop her off so you don't need to worry about that." Kristen said blandly. Eve gave another short grunt in reply. Grunts and one word responses seemed to be the only way Kristen and Eve would communicate, seeing as Eve had such a distaste for her. Kristen didn't seem to care, as long as she got some form of response.

After nibbling half a piece of toast, Eve dragged herself upstairs, got dressed, brushed her teeth, grabbed her backpack, and went out the door. She got into her car and pulled out of the driveway. She felt much more awake now, and hoped school would help her drift away from her distant home-life and disturbing dreams.


Eve arrived at school with only three minutes to get to class. It became apparent she'd be tardy again, but for one reason or another, Eve didn't care. She took her time making her way into school, and finally made it to class- ten minutes late. After being scolded by the teacher and given a tardy slip, she took a seat. Trista, her best friend, slipped her a note when the teacher wasn't looking.

Why were you late?

After reading the note, she scribbled a quick answer and passed it back to Trista.

Didn't want to get up.

Once Eve saw that Trista had received the note, she began to doze off at her desk, her eyelids feeling like led. Just as she was drifting off, a pencil prodded her and a note was handed to her. She unfolded the piece of paper.


Eve was about to reach for her pencil, but was too tired for another response. She let herself be consumed by sleep. What seemed like an eternity later, she was woken up by a friendly poke from Trista. "Eve, get up. First period is over." she said and helped Eve get up and gather her things. She dodged a disapproving glance from her teacher as she wiped saliva off her chin. She staggered to her feet and clumsilly stumbled out the door, pretending she didn't hear the snickering from her classmates.

The next two periods felt like decades, and by the time lunch rolled around, Eve felt ready to pass out. Her lunch tray seemed to weigh one hundred pounds, and when she finally set it down at the table, she nearly dropped it, a loud clatter muffled by the many chattering voices. She sat down and began picking at her food drowsily, when Trista sat down beside her. "Eve, what's the matter? You seem so out of it today." Trista said worriedly. "Hm...?" Eve said sleepily, then realized she was asked a question. "Oh, uhm, I'm fine. Just a bit tired is all." she said. Trista still look concerned, not quite believing it was just simple drowsiness. "Okay....but just tell me if anything is wrong, okay?" Trista said waveringly. "Hm...ya...okay....." Eve said half-heartedly.

The lunch bell rang, and kids began to shuffle out of the cafeteria. Eve rose to her feet slowly, and made her way to the garbage can, disposing of most of her lunch. She gave an exhausted grunt as she helplessly trudged to P.E. Eve could tell it was going to be a long rest of the day.
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