Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
Dark Moon RPG2
Well this is a dead site now please join this one brought to you by Yuuichi )hopefully it won't die): http://blindfaithrpg.darkbb.com/forum.htm
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 Hikaru Shirimoto

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Hikaru Shirimoto
SOS Brigade
Hikaru Shirimoto

Posts : 57
Join date : 2009-07-23
Age : 33

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PostSubject: Hikaru Shirimoto   Hikaru Shirimoto I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 19, 2009 11:18 pm

Name: Hikaru Shirimoto

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 6 foot 5

Weight: 150 pounds

Blood Type: B

Appearance: Has greesy Black spikey hair that partly covers his dark brown eyes. He constantly wears a dark grey Jacket with black skinny jeans.

Personality: is very nice unless he comes across somebody who thretens him, His sister, or his pride. he is usually goofy and akward around a girl he likes but once in a real relaitonship he is deep and passionate.

Weapon: Katana

Likes: alot of things

Dislikes: People who annoy him

Rank: SOS Brigade

History: Hikaru was born in a small village in japan than when he was three he moved to tokyo. one day his mother gave Birth to a young girl wich was his sister but not long after she was born there mother died. he lived an average life he went to Elementry, Middle, and high school like any other kid his age. he loved his father and sister but the day came that he left the nest. now he lives in an apartment on his own.
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